Wellness Center

  • Yoga for Seasonal Allergies

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    During the allergy season, the lungs and lymphatic system are working overtime to flush the body of the particles which the body perceives as toxins. These yoga poses focus on...

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  • Exercises to Relieve Seasonal Allergies

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    Seasonal allergies are often the result of an abnormal reaction by the immune system to harmless pollens and plant particles. Exercises which stimulate the lymphatic system such as tapping and...

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  • Allium Cepa | Homeopathy Store

    By Staff Writer | HomeopathyStore

    Allium Cepa, commonly known as the red onion, is a wonderful homeopathic single remedy for two of the most frequently occurring complaints at the change of seasons — allergies and the common cold. 

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  • 10 Minute Yoga Practice to Relieve Constipation

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    Performing yoga, especially poses targeting the core and hip region, can help to relieve constipation by increasing circulation and correcting interruptions in intestinal flow. This 10 minute yoga practice can...

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  • Exercises to Relieve PMS

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    The menstrual cycle is a time of cleansing and rest for the body, however some of the cycle’s negative side effects such as bloating, cramps, fatigue or indigestion (also known...

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  • Exercises to Relieve Sciatica-related Pain

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    Sciatica is a medical condition which can affect different parts of the spinal region, depending on the patient. All exercises should only be done after consulting a doctor or healthcare...

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  • Full-body Exercises to Encourage Weight-loss

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    Engaging your whole body, beginning with your core--the abdominal muscles--and extending to the other major muscle groups of your legs and arms will help you lose weight when exercising. These...

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  • Short Yoga Practice to Relieve Leg Cramps

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    Those suffering from painful leg cramps, caused by muscle stress and nerve deficiencies, can try incorporating this short yoga practice which targets and relaxes the muscles and nerves of the...

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  • Simple Exercises to Detox the Body

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    2 Detoxifying Exercises to Fit in Your Work Day or Exercise Routine The following two exercises can be smoothly incorporated into your day or exercise routine as the level of...

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  • Sun Salutation for Weight-Loss

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    The sun salutation or Surya Namaskar is one of the most popular exercise combinations in yoga, and when done at the pace of one breath per movement can be a...

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  • Two Stretches to Relieve Leg Cramps

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    While painful leg cramps or “charley horses” are often caused by nutritional deficiencies, stretching can relieve the pain and help prevent further legs cramps from occurring. These two exercises are...

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  • Yoga for Asthma

    By HomeopathyStore Team

    The breathlessness experienced by asthma sufferers can be relieved by a yoga practice which strengthens the lungs and the muscles which support breathing. To prepare the lungs and open the...

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