Exercises for Strength and Stability in Menopause

By HomeopathyStore Team   •   2 minute read

The many changes experienced by menopausal and post-menopausal women should be reflected in changes to the exercise routine. It becomes more important to add resistance training to the workout, as well as ensure proper warm up and cool down. The following exercises can be done with minimal equipment and take from 20-30 minutes.

Full Body Warm-Up (5-10 min.)

  • Stand with feet apart, hands on the hips.
  • Begin turning the upper body from side to side, letting your hands move naturally from the hips into a side to side motion to match your swing.
  • Still your upper body and begin to lift your legs one at a time by bringing your knees as high as your waist or even your chest.
  • As you feel the lower body warming up, add your hands. Raise the right hand above the head as you raise the left knee; then raise the left hand above the head as you raise the right knee.
  • In the final phase of the warm-up, lower your body into a gentle squat before each lift of the knees and arms. 

Kettlebell Swing and Plank on Elbows found in Full-body Exercises to Encourage Weight-loss

The Kettlebell Swing found in Full-body Exercises to Encourage Weight-loss is an excellent way to bring some resistance training into your workout to increase bone density. This exercise can initially be performed by simply swinging the weight of the arms, with weights being added as strength increases. Pay close attention to proper posture while performing the swing, so no strain is put on the lower back.

Plank on Elbows found in Full-body Exercises to Encourage Weight-loss will build stability--another important element to decreasing the bone deterioration common to menopause.

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