Simple Exercises to Detox the Body

By HomeopathyStore Team   •   2 minute read

2 Detoxifying Exercises to Fit in Your Work Day or Exercise Routine

The build-up of toxins in the body is a hazard of modern living. Taking time to detoxify your body a few times a week can help to decrease the build-up and improve overall health.

The following two exercises can be smoothly incorporated into your day or exercise routine as the level of intensity will naturally adjust to the body’s current activity. The twisting motion of the first exercise will stimulate the lymphatic system to release toxins, and the cardio nature of the second exercise will aid the circulatory system in flushing those toxins out of your body.

Spinning Wheel

  • Stand with feet spread slightly further than hip-distance--arms overhead, palms facing forward.
  • Reach your arms to the left and let your upper body fall towards the floor, brushing your left foot with your hands (if reach allows)
  • Pass by your right foot with your hands and sweep your upper body upright once more, with your hands still above your head in the starting position.
  • Repeat by completing the circle in the other direction.

Repeat this movement several times on each side until you feel your body warming up and becoming limber.

Leaping Star Jacks

  • Stand with feet spread slightly further than hip-distance, as in the first exercise, but with your hands at your side.
  • Bend your knees slightly then leap into the air, raising your arms as you do so to make a star shape.
  • Land on your toes and bend your knees so that your hands reach the floor leaving your body in a crouched position.
  • Perform the next star jack from this position.

Repeat several times.

A modification of this exercise can be done by not allowing your feet to leave the floor but instead raising yourself on your toes at the highest extent of each jump.

    Repeat this movement several times on each side until you feel your body warming up and becoming limber.

    Continue with your regular exercise routine or finish with Legs Up the Wall, a cooling, detoxifying exercise found in Yoga for Seasonal Allergies.

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