
  • Natural Relief From Joint Pain and Inflammation

    Natural Relief From Joint Pain and Inflammation

    By Kathy | Natural Health and Wellness Writer

    Keeping your joints flexible and pain free is one of the most important ways to stay active and healthy. Learn more about topical arnica cream, turmeric liquid extract, and cell salts that support your joints naturally.

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  • Nourish Your Skin with Cell Salts - AnnaKare

    Nourish Your Skin With Cell Salts

    By Anna & Kathy | Natural Health Writers

    Learn about four nourishing cell salts that will help you look beautiful inside and out! Calc Fluor, Kali Sulp, Nat Mur, and Silica will provide your skin and supporting tissue with...

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  • Natural Hangover Cures –

    Natural Hangover Cures

    By Kathy | Natural Health and Wellness Writer

    With St. Patrick's Day approaching, chances are you or someone in your family may be looking for relief from their hangover woes. We are providing useful tips for preparing for a party and...

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  • 5 Reasons Cell Salts Are Great Energy Boosters

    5 Reasons Cell Salts Are Great Energy Boosters

    By Anna | Natural Health Advocate

    Our body needs key minerals for optimal energy and bodily functions. Calcarea Phosphorica, Kali Phosphoricum, and Magnesia Phosphorica are three homeopathic cell salt supplements to help boost your energy.

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  • 8 Natural Ways to Break a Fever

    8 Natural Ways to Break a Fever

    By Kathy | Natural Health and Wellness Writer

    A fever is our body’s natural way of getting us to slow down while our immune system gets to work on fighting an infection. Learn more about some natural ways...

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  • Do I Need a Vitamin D Supplement?

    Do I Need a Vitamin D Supplement?

    By Kathy | Natural Health and Wellness Writer

    Many Americans are vitamin D deficient, especially during the winter months. This can cause a lack of energy, a weakened immune system, and more. How can you make sure you...

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  • Homeopathic Remedies for Weight Loss

    Losing Weight With Homeopathy and Cell Salts

    By Anna | Natural Health Advocate

    Are you planning to lose weight in the New Year? Homeopathic remedies offer easy-to-follow solutions you can fold into your life to stay well and happy with how you feel and look.

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  • What is melatonin and how can it help me rest

    What Is Melatonin and How Can It Help Me Rest?

    By Kathy | Natural Health and Wellness Writer

    Melatonin provides signaling as to the time of day and time of year, acting like your body’s time clock. It is quite important as it relates to getting a good night’s sleep...

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  • Ways Dehydration Can Affect Your Daily Life

    Ways Dehydration Can Affect Your Daily Life

    By Kathy | Natural Health and Wellness Writer

    Dehydration can threaten your daily health in a variety of ways. Proper fluid intake combined with the electrolytes your body needs are two vital ways to stay hydrated.

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  • Schuessler Tissue Salts for Cold & Flu Season

    Schuessler Tissue Salts for Cold & Flu Season

    By Kathy | Natural Health and Wellness Writer

    Which Schuessler tissue salts provide support during cold and flu season? Find out about the five tissue salts you need to help strengthen your immunity and reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.

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