Every September, in the Northern Hemisphere, our planet shifts from summer to autumn. And if we look up at the stars, we can see the Libra constellation come into view in the southern sky. Libra is a Latin word meaning scales or balance, and as such, we’ll find that everything this air sign is connected with relates to balance and harmony.
Even the cell salt Natrum Phosphoricum, which Libra is paired with, is a harmonizing tissue salt. It holds the balance between acidic and alkaline fluids in the human body. Physiologically, Libra is linked to the kidneys, adrenal glands, and bladder.
Libra also plays a big part in the fall equinox, when the days and nights are equal or balanced. In a cosmic sense, Libra harmonizes the two halves of the year with the first beginning during the spring equinox, otherwise known as Aries and cell salt Kali Phos season in the month of March, and the second starting with the fall equinox.
Those born under this Venus-ruled sign will find that the ever-present quest for balance equally affects their personality. Lastly, Libra is associated with diamond and opal gems, and its astral colors are black, crimson, and light blue.
In this post, we’ll explore further the cell salt Nat Phos and what deficiencies are most commonly associated with an imbalance of this tissue salt. Next, we’ll visit Libra’s Greek myth associated with the air sign before we highlight key personality traits that help define those born under the celestial scales between September 23 and October 22.
The Acid Neutralizing Cell Salt Nat Phos
"To the degree in which a person is chemically deficient, is he mentally and physically unbalanced. Therefore, as the mineral elements are restored to the blood and the laws of right living followed so that no surplus waste or indeed any waste accumulates, the left pan of the scale slowly rises until it eventually balances with the right."
- Inez E. Perry in The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation
Tissue salt Natrum Phosphoricum is also known as sodium phosphate in plain English and is often shorted to Nat Phos. It is recognized as one of three sodium cell salts, the other two being cell salt Natrum Muriaticum and cell salt Natrum Sulphuricum. Nat Phos, specifically, is an acid neutralizer; it helps balance acids and also fats within the body.
Humans always have a certain amount of acid in their blood, stomach, liver fluids, and nerves. An excess of acid is due to a deficiency in the alkaline Libra salt. Nat Phos works to release water from the tissues, collects it within the kidneys and drains it into the ureter, which carries it into the bladder.
All organs that have a part in collecting urine relate to Libra. When the body has a sufficient amount of Nat Phos, the urine will become alkaline (neutralized), the flow will be healthy and indicate a stable pH balance in the blood that can nourish your tissues and organs and help avoid disease.
Common Deficiencies and Best Uses of the Cell Salt Nat Phos
Cell Salt Nat Phos for Acid Reflux, Morning Sickness, and Baby Colic
Acid causes a gnawing sensation in the stomach. For some, this can be mistaken as a sign of hunger. Those who feel this sensation may rush to stem that feeling by eating food too quickly. This can lead to acid indigestion or heartburn.
Reaching for an acid neutralizer such as tissue salt Nat Phos will help balance out the excess and can often relieve some of the uncomfortable symptoms, including sour belching and indigestion from fatty foods, milk, and sugary treats. It can be a great help to pregnant women who experience an excess of nausea or morning sickness.
Babies who suffer from colic can also benefit from the addition of Nat Phos, but the administration will differ from adults. One squirt should be first dissolved in water, generally one squirt in four to eight tablespoons of water, and only one tablespoon of the liquid should be administered. You may even prefer to spray the cell salt on the infant’s wrists and rub it in gently. Note to always discuss the use of natural remedies for children with your doctor.
Cell Salt Nat Phos for Weight Loss or Control
Those who have excessive acid frequently find themselves craving poor foods, candy, soda, fries, etc. This can be a hard eating cycle to change when a person is constantly craving unhealthy foods. Tissue Salt Nat Phos is part of the AnnaKare Weight Loss Cell Salts Kit which includes the following cell salts.
- Cell Salt Kali Phos #6
- Cell Salt Nat Phos #10
- Cell Salt Nat Sulph #11
Cell Salt Kali Phos aids in strengthening the nervous system to help reduce emotional and binge eating.
Cell Salt Nat Phos works to regulate the acid-base or pH balance, metabolize fat, and helps to improve overall digestion.
Cell Salt Nat Sulph supports and cleanses the liver so your body can properly dispose of toxins and waste.
The next time you want to improve your weight loss or weight control journey, remember to reach for Nat Phos to help reduce overeating when you’re feeling unsatiated, or better yet, benefit from the whole Weight Loss Cell Salts Kit.
Cell Salt Nat Phos for Inflammation and Joint Pain
Too much acid in the blood can lead to rheumatic conditions, including gout, and can cause stiffness and joint pain. This is an indication of a lack of cell salt Nat Phos which works to reduce lactic, stomach, and uric acids.
This is why this tissue salt is a substantial component of our Inflammation Response Kit together with another natrum cell salt and a well-known herbal extract.
- Cell Salt Nat Mur #9
- Cell Salt Nat Phos #10
- Fresh Turmeric Liquid Extract
Cell Salt Nat Mur helps regulate water and sodium levels; it helps reduce the swelling and cracking in joints as it keeps them nourished and flexible.
Cell Salt Nat Phos works to reduce acid build-up helping ease joint and muscle tenderness and pain.
Turmeric has long been recognized as an inflammation fighter. Fresh Turmeric Liquid Extract may improve joint range of motion and lessen pain associated with arthritis. Turmeric, alongside Nat Phos, helps support fat metabolism.
with Cell Salts and Fresh Turmeric Extract
Anyone who has experienced inflamed joints, including stiffness and limited mobility, knows that inflammation can prohibit you from living a full and active life. Tissue salt Nat Phos and the Inflammation Response Kit can help reverse that course, relieve aches and discomfort, and assist you in getting back to doing what you love.
Cell Salt Nat Phos for a Woman’s Healthy pH Balance
Women can often develop yeast infections. A yeast infection traditionally comes from a disturbed pH balance which can be caused by a variety of things, including wearing non-breathable underwear, using highly scented soaps or feminine products, or due to an imbalance of cell salt Nat Phos.
While predominantly most yeast infections are vaginal, a yeast infection can also occur in the mouth, the stomach, or on the skin. Women who frequently experience yeast infections will appreciate the addition of Nat Phos when itchy and uncomfortable symptoms arise.
Libra’s Connection to the Fall Equinox and Two Goddesses
Libra’s influence has resonated with many civilizations and cultures and has crossed the line from mythology to impacting the way we do things today. It is more than a symbol of balance but is used as a celestial marker for when the sun enters the autumnal equinox.
Already the Babylonians recognized this moment as a pivotal time for the yearly harvest, when the weather shifts from warm to cold and a time of food scarcity follows. They marked this time as one of the most important in their agricultural calendar and praised the balance it brought to the seasons.
In Greek Mythology, Libra is ascribed to two goddesses, Themis and Astraea. Themis represented divine law and order and was one of the Titans, a deity that ruled the cosmos before the Olympian gods governed. Themis was often portrayed holding scales.
The second goddess, Astraea, is the daughter of Themis and Zeus. Astraea means “star maiden”, and she is much like her mother a goddess of justice. But Astraea is also known to be pure and innocent.
During the Golden Age, when humans lived in harmony with the gods, Astraea used to live on Earth. When the Golden Age was dispelled, she withdrew to the heavens and became the constellation Virgo. As Virgo, she is also associated with a time of Harvest. Virgo and Libra reside in the night sky, side by side, where they will return to Earth when the Golden Age comes once again upon Earth.
This story may seem to conflict with the story of Persephone and Virgo, which we describe in our Zodiac Sign Virgo and Cell Salt Kali Sulph post. Greek Mythology does not always follow linear story lines, but the idea of a Harvest Goddess is consistent with this time of the year.
Libra Personality Traits
When it comes to the Zodiac, each sign is divided into three decans or subdivisions. Several planets cross path with a sign’s decans creating vibration and affecting the sign. In the case of Libra, the first decan is under the vibration of Venus, the middle falls under Uranus and Saturn, and the last is Mercury.
This is why not every personality trait highlighted will describe every Libra. It depends greatly on which decan of your sign you were born under. That said, it comes as no surprise that Libras are all about balance which includes their strive for a happy romantic partnership in their life.
Like the Greek goddesses with which Libra is associated, they look for justice and law and order in life. Libras avoid conflict and seek peace wherever they can. Some Libras, as an air sign, will frequently find their head up in the clouds and may need another detail-orientated sign, such as Capricorns or Virgos, to help bring their heads back down to Earth.
Overall, however, Libras are very pragmatic about their decisions. They are greatly attracted to intelligent discourse and enjoy filling their world with friends and family. Ruled largely by Venus, they look for beauty and love in all forms to fill up their life.
Final Celestial Musings
There is a clear relationship between the Libra zodiac sign and its associated cell salt Natrium Phosphoricum; both work to achieve balance physically and emotionally. Libra’s connection to the fall equinox and notable Greek harvest goddesses goes beyond cultural importance and extends further to balance and peace within.
Cell salt Nat Phos has many practical health applications. Its connection with Libras may provide those born under this sign and those who experience any of the above maladies with a better understanding of how they can approach their wellness and benefit greatly from a better balance of acid within their body.
Further Reading
For more information about other zodiac signs and their connection to the biochemic Schuessler salts, visit our anchor blog Cell Salts and the Zodiac.
Now that you know all about Libra, next up is Scorpio and Cell Salt Calc Sulph, the water sign with a fiery disposition, the only sign that evolves, and its connection to Orion, and how Calc Sulph can help with colds, wounds, and detoxification.
Note: This blog offers a simplified understanding of the complex relationship between Libra and the cell salt Nat Phos and our overall health. For comprehensive health guidance, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional or an expert in holistic medicine.
The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by George W. Carey & Inez E. Perry.