Zodiac Sign Virgo and Cell Salt Kali Sulph

By Danielle | Health and Wellness Writer   •   9 minute read

Zodiac Sign Virgo with Constellation

As we continue with our zodiac and cell salt series, in this piece, we share the ancient wisdom of the Earth sign, Virgo. Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and is governed by the planet Mercury. It is associated with the astral colors gold and black, and its gems are pink jasper and hyacinth.

The solar plexus and the bowels of the body represent this celestial sign. If you imagine a wagon wheel, the solar plexus is the hub while the nerves act like the spokes sending and receiving energy to other parts of the body.

Virgos are deeply connected with the cell or tissue salt Kali Sulphuricum, Kali Sulph for short, or in plain English, potassium sulfate. Kali Sulph is the tissue-lubricating cell salt, it acts like the oil that keeps all the parts running as they should.

Further to this idea, the solar plexus is viewed as a 12-part machine and not surprisingly, there are also 12 zodiac signs. As we’ve previously described in other zodiac posts, each celestial sign is responsible for different parts of the body.

As the central hub, Virgo ensures that all other body parts – and therefore signs – run smoothly.

In this post, we’ll explore more about the fascinating celestial entity, Virgo, and reveal common deficiencies of tissue salt Kali Sulph. Then we’ll explore the Greek mythology of Virgo through the story of Persephone before we highlight some key personality traits of Virgo to tie everything together.

Kali Sulph the Tissue Lubricating Cell Salt

German scientist Justus von Liebig contributed to science through his research that potassium is the essential base of the animal and human body. When it is combined with Sulphur, it forms oil or cell salt Kali Sulph. Kali Sulph essentially acts like a fuel or lubrication of the body.

According to Inez E. Perry in her book, The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation, which she published together with Dr. George W. Carey, when a microscope’s lens is focused on healthy skin, little jets of steam are constantly escaping from its pores. But when there is a deficiency in Kali Sulph, molecules cause the oil in the skin’s tissue to thicken and clog.

This, in turn, causes the buildup of heat and secretions back into the body and is directed to the inner organs that lie within, including the membrane of the nasal passage and GI tract. This may give the sufferer the indication that they are experiencing a bad cold or pressure in the stomach.

Kali Sulph is one of the four cell salts lacking in all living in the modern industrial era according to Hickthier's facial diagnosis with Schuessler salts. Here are some of the most common Kali Sulph deficiencies and how the addition of tissue salt Kali Sulph can benefit an individual’s health and often Virgos even more so.

Kali Sulph Common Deficiencies and Best Uses

Cell Salt Kali Sulph

Cell Salt Kali Sulph
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Tissue Salt Kali Sulph for Dry and Scaly Skin and Adult Acne

Cell salt Kali Sulph is found largely in the epidermis and epithelium. It is responsible for helping build new skin cells, and a lack of this tissue salt can result in crusty, scaly, and dry skin often with yellow secretions.

As a result, a deficiency may lead to eczema, psoriasis, itchy skin, dandruff, or clogged pores, and oily matter on the scalp. In some cases, hair may even fall out.

As we age, the human body loses its natural oil and the body can look dry and shrivelled. The addition of Kali Sulph may help keep the skin membranes more lubricated. Those who suffer from brittle nails may also benefit from including Kali Sulph as a way to support stronger, healthier nails.

A continued lack of Kali Sulph can be identified by yellowish-brown skin discoloration on the face, especially around the eyes and below the nose.

This is why Kali Sulph is a part of the AnnaKare Skin Nourishing Cell Salts Kit and works alongside the following cell salts to bring balance to your skin.

  • Cell Salt Calc Fluor
  • Cell Salt Nat Mur
  • Cell Salt Silica

Cell salt Calc Fluor works to improve tissue elasticity, tighten up saggy skin, and smooth out wrinkles or stretch marks. Nat Mur moisturizes the skin and can help improve the overall appearance including the shrinking of pores.

Lastly, cell salt Silica promotes collagen production for plump, healthy skin. It can help clear out pus-filled pimples and soften scar tissue.

Skin Nourishing Cell Salts Kit

Skin Nourishing Cell Salts Kit
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Tissue salts Kali Suph, Nat Mur, and Silica are specifically recommended for hair loss. Remember this cell salt trio if you discover scalp issues or thinning hair and hair falling out.

Tissue Salt Kali Sulph for Colds, Coughs, Sinus and Ear Infections

Not all colds are created equal, but a deficiency of cell salt Kali Sulph likely causes those with yellow mucus. This tissue salt is also present in mucous membranes, and a yellowish coat on the tongue is a helpful indication that this cell salt is lacking.

Kali Sulph is a good expectorant and can help alleviate a buildup of sticky, yellow mucus.

Those experiencing a sinus or ear infection may be experiencing a buildup of mucus. Pain or discomfort may include a sharp, cutting pain. Therefore, adding Kali Sulph can help relieve the buildup and make the sufferer more at ease.

Cell salt Kali Sulph is a part of the AnnaKare Cold & Flu Relief Cell Salts Kit alongside the following cell salts:

  • Cell Salt Calc Sulph
  • Cell Salt Ferr Phos
  • Cell Salt Kali Mur
  • Cell Salt Nat Sulph

Calc Sulph is used when you first feel a tickle or soreness in the throat to possibly avoid an infection all together. Ferr Phos fights inflammation and helps moderate a mild fever. Ferr Phos and Kali Mur are recommended together if experiencing a stuffy nose with a white discharge and to relieve early symptoms or phase out a lighter version of the common cold.

Kali Sulph is used when a cold or flu has developed further to help break a higher fever, encourage perspiration, and the clear up of yellow sticky mucus. While Nat Sulph is taken continually for more severe flu-like symptoms and when the infection causes green expectoration.

Cold and Flu Relief Cell Salts Kit

Cold & Flu Relief Cell Salts Kit
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Tissue Salt Kali Sulph for Gastral Upset

Digestive complaints, particularly those related to indigestion and gas with shifting pain may be the result of friction and loss of lubrication within the mucosa of the digestive tract or even the associated Virgo body part, the bowels.

Constipation is a common result of a deficiency. The inclusion of Kali Sulph will work to relubricate this part of the body.

Cell salt Kali Sulphuricum supports many more processes of the digestive system, including the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and kidneys. It is recommended for individuals with a sensitive stomach and those tending to the formations of crystalline deposits or stones.

The Relationship between Tissue Salt Kali Sulph and Ferr Phos

It’s worth noting that cell salt Ferrum Phos, or iron phosphate, has a unique correlation with cell salt Kali Sulph. Together the two tissue salts are responsible for providing the cells with oxygen. While Ferr Phos brings oxygen into the body, Kali Sulph is responsible for the internal breathing process.

It is interesting to highlight that cell salt Ferr Phos is connected with the zodiac sign Pisces, Virgo’s polar opposite.

While the relationship between Kali Sulph and Ferr Phos manifests itself in all weaknesses mentioned above, it may be more obvious with symptoms such as breathlessness, dizziness, changes in body temperature, and claustrophobia.

In the case of an asthmatic person, they may struggle to breathe. Those who rely on inhalers may find the addition of potassium sulfate will aid in their breathing.

Women who get hot flashes during menopause or pregnancy may find themselves reaching for Kali Sulph to help lower their overall body temperature. And often a lack of cell salt Kali Sulph leads to a desire of fresh air and the need to open a window or venture outdoors.

The addition of tissue salt Ferr Phos will help with all these ailments, increase the flow of oxygen within your body, and work in tandem with Kali Sulph to bring relief.

Cell Salt Ferr Phos

Cell Salt Ferr Phos
Buy Cell Salt Ferr Phos

Virgo, the Harvest Goddess

While Virgo is associated with a few different goddesses, such as the Egyptian Isis or Babylonian Ishtar, in this post, we will focus on the captivating tale of Demeter’s daughter, Persephone. Both women are said to be a possible representation of Virgo in the night sky.

In this particular Greek tale, Demeter is a harvest goddess, and it is eternally spring on Earth. Her daughter, Persephone, catches the eye of the underworld god, Hades. Hades decides to kidnap Persephone to make her his wife.

Demeter, heavy with grief, leaves her role as harvest goddess and the world suffers a great loss of fertility. New seasons develop, including one of barrenness, otherwise known as winter. Zeus forces Hades to return Persephone to Demeter and forbids Persephone to eat until she returns home.

But sly Hades gives Persephone six seeds from a pomegranate fruit and seals her fate. She is no longer allowed to live unconditionally on Earth, but must return to the underworld for half of every year.

As a result, spring only returns when Persephone joins her mother Demeter. When Persephone goes back to Hades, winter reigns in her absence.

We can see this story unfold in the night sky when Virgo is absent from it from late autumn through winter and returns each spring for our viewing pleasure.

If you look closely, you may even see the goddess in the stars as she holds tightly to her wheat harvest and her broom.

Zodiac Sign Virgo Constellation

Virgo’s Personality Traits

“Virgo is the oldest purely allegorical representation of innocence and virtue.”
- Inez E. Perry in The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

Virgo is associated with the Virgin Mary. But although Virgos are a sign of purity, there is an interesting connection between Virgos and sensual energy.

All sensual thought humans have is sent to the solar plexus and from there, is directed to the reproductive organs. As such, Virgos are a passionate sign and love to celebrate their physical connection with their companion.

Those who fall under the harvest goddess’s sign are smart, analytical, and kind, yet they can also be critical. They are not afraid of tackling a challenge head-on and are considered hard workers. They can be obstinate and don’t bend like the wheat they harvest.

They are practical, can be depended upon to help when needed, and are detail-oriented, which can lead them to being anxious as they tend to worry. But don’t fret, this just means they have thought hard about all their life choices.

Concluding Thoughts

Virgo's association with purity aligns perfectly with Kali Sulph's role as a purifier and lubricator. When the body is well-lubricated and purified by adequate Kali Sulph, it achieves a state of true health, reflecting Virgo's representation of innocence and virtue, and Virgo is viewed as the house of health.

Just as Virgo's solar plexus acts as the central hub, Kali Sulph serves as the essential lubricant that keeps all bodily systems running smoothly. This mirrors Virgo's role in the zodiac, ensuring the harmonious functioning of all other signs and body parts.

By understanding the profound connection between Virgo and cell salt Kali Sulphuricum, we gain insight into the holistic nature of health, where celestial influences and cellular function intertwine to create a harmonious balance in the human body.

Further Reading

For more information about other zodiac signs and their connection to the biochemic Schuessler salts, visit our anchor blog Cell Salts and the Zodiac.

Note: This blog offers a simplified understanding of the complex relationship between Virgo and the cell salt Kali Sulphuricum and our overall health. For comprehensive health guidance, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional or an expert in holistic medicine.


The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by George W. Carey & Inez E. Perry.

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