Cell Salts Chart | Homeopathy Store

By Anna | Natural Health Advocate   •   5 minute read

Cell Salts Chart

The 12 Schuessler Tissue Salts, their Primary Functions, and Many Benefits

The 12 cell or tissue salts are essential minerals that occur in nature and in our body. Their beauty in nature is remarkable. In the body, they help perform an unlimited number of important functions and are responsible for the health and regeneration of our cells and tissues.

Physical and emotional symptoms, facial signs, and even your time of birth and zodiac sign point to specific minerals that can provide a wealth of health benefits for you.

Several indicators or just one alone can highlight a mineral deficiency and lead to greater well-being and strength — and sometimes life-changing improvements.

Prepared homeopathically for easy assimilation by the body, cell salts do not cause side effects experienced by regular mineral supplements and can be combined with other medicines.

Homeopathy Store’s cell salts are liquid and lactose-free and presented in form of our AnnaKare oral sprays for optimal absorption and with the least amount of inactive ingredients possible. Scroll all the way down for an easy-to-download and print chart!

1. Calcarea Fluorica (Calcium Fluoride)

Calcarea Fluorica, popular name Calc Fluor, is the #1 among the 12 cell salts and carries out the function of elasticity, shape, and protection.

Primary Organs/Tissues: Connective tissue, outer skin, bones, tooth enamel, tendons, ligaments, veins, arteries
Key Symptoms: Cracked skin, stretch marks, calluses, caries, osteoporosis, varicose and spider veins, hemorrhoids, ganglions, nodules
Facial Signs: Reddish-blackish color under eyes and possibly on face, translucent teeth
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

cell salt Calc Fluor
Calcarea Fluorica #1
liquid lactose-free cell salt Calcarea Fluorica by Anna's Remedies

2. Calcarea Phosphorica (Calcium Phosphate)

Calcarea Phosphorica, popular name Calc Phos, is the #2, and its function is to provide tone, strength, and to facilitate protein metabolism.

Primary Organs/Tissues: Bones, muscles, dentin, spine
Key Symptoms: Broken bones, muscle pain, tooth trauma, spinal issues, weak immune system, slow growth and slow development in children, osteoporosis
Facial Signs: Pale complexion, sharp-etched face
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Calcarea Phosphorica #2
liquid lactose-free cell salt Calcarea Phosphorica by Anna's Remedies

3. Calcarea Sulphurica (Calcium Sulfate)

Calcarea Sulphurica, popular name Calc Sulph, is cell salt #3 (note that the European number of Calc Sulph is 12), and it functions as a blood cleanser and healer.

Primary Organs/Tissues: Blood, skin, liver
Key Symptoms: Blemished skin, sore throat, common cold, suppurating wounds
Facial Signs: Acne, pustules, pimples
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Calcarea Sulphurica #3
liquid lactose-free cell salt Calcarea Sulphurica by Anna's Remedies

4. Ferrum Phosphoriucm (Iron Phosphate)

Ferrum Phosphoricum, popular name Ferr Phos, is cell salt #4 (note that the European number of Ferr Phos is 3). It is an oxygen carrier and used in first aid situations.

Primary Organs/Tissues: Red blood cells, blood vessels and arteries
Key Symptoms: Fever, inflammation, cold, cough, sore muscles, anemia, hemorrhage
Facial Signs: Red face, dark circles under eyes
Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Ferrum Phosphoricum #4
liquid lactose-free cell salt Ferrum Phosphoricum by Anna's Remedies

5. Kali Muriaticum (Potassium Chloride)

Kali Muriaticum, popular name Kali Mur, is cell salt #5 (note that the European number of Kali Mur is #4). It functions as an overall operator of all cellular functions, facilitates the intercellular exchange, and eliminates waste from the body.

Primary Organs/Tissues: Skin, mucous membranes, glands, saliva
Key Symptoms: Colds, coughs, tonsillitis, bronchitis, and skin eruptions — all with white discharges
Facial Signs: White face, chicken skin, rosacea
Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Kali Muriaticum #5
liquid lactose-free cell salt Kali Muriaticum by Anna's Remedies

6. Kali Phosphoricum (Potassium Phosphate)

Kali Phosphoricum, popular name Kali Phos, is cell salt #6 (note that the European number of Kali Phos is #5) and responsible for nerve support, energy, and tissue development.

Primary Organs/Tissues: Nerves, muscles, brain, spleen
Key Symptoms: Stress, anxiety, grief, sleeplessness, exhaustion; nervous headaches, asthma and skin conditions
Facial Signs: Sunken temples and cheeks, pale to gray and unhealthy complexion
Zodiac Sign: Aries

Kali Phosphoricum #6
liquid lactose-free cell salt Kali Phosphoricum by Anna's Remedies

7. Kali Sulphuricum (Potassium Sulfate)

Kali Sulphuricum, popular name Kali Sulph, is cell salt #7 (note that the European number of Kali Sulph is 6), and its function is to distribute oil and carry oxygen. 

Primary Organs/Tissues: Digestive organs, skin, mucous membranes
Key Symptoms: Eczema, dandruff, hives, yeast infections, yellow mucus from coughs and colds, upset stomach
Facial Signs: Discolored, brown-yellow and scaly skin
Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Kali Sulphuricum #7
liquid lactose-free cell salt Kali Sulphuricum by Anna's Remedies

8. Magnesia Phosphorica (Magnesium Phosphate)

Magnesia Phosphorica, popular name Mag Phos, is cell salt #8 (note that the European number of Mag Phos is 7) with the function to relax and regenerate

Primary Organs/Tissues: Muscles, nerves, heart
Key Symptoms: Muscle pains and cramps, menstrual cramps, acute headache, toothache, teething in babies, and nerve injuries
Facial Signs: Constant red face, frequent flushing or blushing
Zodiac Sign: Leo

Magnesia Phosphorica #8
liquid lactose-free cell salt Magnesia Phosphorica Anna's Remedies

9. Natrum Muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)

Natrum Muriaticum, popular name Nat Mur, is cell salt #9 (note that the European number of Nat Mur is 8), and it is the water distributor.

Primary Organs/Tissues: Mucous membranes, cartilage, glands
Key Symptoms: Runny or stuffy nose, seasonal allergies, headaches, constipation, watery eyes, low mood
Facial Signs: Large pores, gel-like shine of skin
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Natrum Muriaticum #9
liquid lactose-free cell salt Natrum Muriaticum by Anna's Remedies

10. Natrum Phosphoricum (Sodium Phosphate)

Natrum Phopshoricum, popular name Nat Phos, is cell salt #10 (note that the European number of Nat Phos is 9), and it works to neutralize acids, metabolize fat, and support pH balance.

Primary Organs/Tissues: Joints, muscles, nerves, blood, thyroid
Key Symptoms: Heartburn, belching, indigestion, baby colic, weight gain, rheumatism, joint pain
Facial Signs: Blackhead, greasy skin, dropping cheeks, double chin
Zodiac Sign: Libra

Natrum Phosphoricum #10
liquid lactose-free cell salt Natrum Phosphoriucm Anna's Remedies

11. Natrum Sulphuricum (Sodium Sulfate)

Natrum Sulphuricum, popular name Nat Sulph, is cell salt #11 (note that the European number of Nat Sulph is 10), and it is a detoxifier.

Primary Organs/Tissues: Inter-cellular fluids, liver, gallbladder, digestive system
Key Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, bitter taste, diarrhea, hangover, and influenza
Facial Signs: Greenish-yellowish forehead and temples, inflammatory-redness on nose or cheeks, bags under eyes
Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Natrum Sulphuricum #11
liquid lactose-free cell salt Natrum Sulphuricum by Anna's Remedies

12. Silicea (Silica)

Silicea, popular name Silica, is cell salt #12 (note that the European number of Silica is 11). It is a strengthener and healer.

Primary Organs/Tissues: Connective tissue, skin, hair, nails, nerves
Key Symptoms: Thin hair, brittle nails, wrinkles, pimples, perspiration, athlete’s foot
Facial Signs: Deep-set eyes, crow's feet
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Silicea or Silica #12
liquid lactose-free cell salt Silicea by Anna's Remedies

How to Take Cell Salts

Cell salts are taken three times a day for regular support or as often — hourly or every 30 minutes — as long as needed for acute conditions and deficiencies. Several salts can be combined or alternated.

Take 2 squirts in a clean mouth. Use it with warm water for very acute conditions and even faster assimilation.

Natural and holistic Schuessler cell salt remedies for the entire family
Schuessler Cell Salts
Buy Schuessler Cell Salts

Cell Salts Kit
Buy Cell Salts Kit
(15%+ OFF or
2 sprays for FREE
when buying the Kit)


Ideal for getting to know the cell salts, for taking to the gym or when traveling, or to alternate with the individual cell salts is Cellergy, our lactose-free combination of all 12 cell salts in one oral spray.  

liquid lactose-free 12 cell salts combination by AnnaKare

Download your Cell Salts Chart

Cell Salts Chart - Homeopathy Store
Cell Salts Chart - Homeopathy Store
Cell Salts Chart - Homeopathy Store

Read more

Introduction to Schuessler Cell Salts
Cell Salts and the Facial Diagnosis
Cell Salts and the Zodiac 

Please note: Product descriptions grounded in traditional homeopathic and natural healing practices. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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