Cellergy — Liquid, Lactose-Free 12 Cell Salts Combination by AnnaKare

By Suzanne | Natural Health and Wellness Writer   •   2 minute read

Cellergy —  Liquid, Lactose-Free 12 Cell Salts Combination by AnnaKare

Heal and Nourish with Cellergy!

Cellergy revives the cells and replenishes the body with vital minerals to feel restored, refreshed, and balanced. Now available as fast-absorbing, lactose-free oral spray by Anna's Remedies. Hand-succussed in the U.S.!

Cellergy — Natural Homeopathic Mineral Combination

Buy Cellergy

The holidays are known as the busiest time of the year. Often we are soo busy (and stressed) that it's hard to even take a minute for ourselves to just breathe. But then all of a sudden the new year begins, and everything becomes real quiet. Almost too quiet! You go from an endless to do list to questioning what to do with your time now. Most people start focusing and putting their energy into being healthier and happier. And what better time to do so! Holiday eating is over with, and Spring is ONLY a few months away.

At Homeopathy Store, we have launched Cellergy, a combination of all 12 Schuessler cell salts made by Anna's Remedies to help you gain balance in the new year and beyond. Anna's Remedies is HomeopathyStore's own brand of lactose-free, fast-absorbing liquid homeopathic oral sprays and drops. Cellergy is comparable to Bioplasma by Highland's, but Cellergy is lactose-free and vegan.

Do you experience anxiety?

Has stress taken a toll on your health?

Would having more energy make your life a whole lot better?

Are you physically active and need something to help you recover after your workouts?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Cellergy is for you!

Cellergy is compounded and hand-succussed here in the U.S. to provide you with the best in homeopathic mineral support. Cellergy helps to increase energy, supports the immune system, improves the absorption of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients from food and replenishes the body with the 12 most essential minerals for cell health. It's one of those products that once you start using it, you don't know how you ever lived without it.

Pre-order Cellergy NOW during our sale and receive 15% off! Shipping begins in January. Think of it as a valuable gift to yourself that will help you start the new year off on the right foot.

Wishing you health, happiness and your best year yet in 2020!

More tips and remedies for less stress & anxiety and increased balance: 

5 Holistic Practices For Reducing Stress

Stress Management & Homeopathy 

Deep Relaxation Techniquies For Stress & Anxiety Relief


Please note: Product descriptions grounded in homeopathic and natural wellness practice. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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