Allergy Escape – Homeopathic Oral Spray for Allergy Relief

By Anna | Natural Health Advocate   •   4 minute read

Allergy Escape — Homeopathic Oral Spray for Allergy Relief

Order Allergy Escape Today & Get Relief

Today we are launching Anna's Remedies' Allergy Escape formulated by our team of homeopaths, naturopaths, and homeopathic pharmacists, a lactose-free, liquid oral spray compounded and hand-succussed here in the United States to help you best control your body's hypersensitivities. 

Allergy Escape Formulated for You by Our Homeopaths and Naturopaths

It’s April, and pollen levels from budding trees are starting to climb. This is the time of the year when many of us begin to feel that the eyes become itchy and sticky, the throat scratchy. Sneezing, runny and/or stuffy nose, headaches, sinus pressure, and shortness of breath are other common symptoms of allergic reactions to pollen from trees, flowers, and grass in the air in increased quantities from now through summer till fall.

Once our body shows an overreaction to a certain, usually harmless substance, hypersensitivities to dust, mold, pet hair and dander, and other tiny particles can also become more likely; and allergic reactions may last beyond allergy season.

Allergy Escape helps you fight allergies to seasonal and environmental triggers all year, whenever you need it, and wherever you are located. Our team of natural health experts created a unique remedy consisting of the key homeopathic ingredients for allergic reactions and in prefect alignment with each other to stimulate your body’s optimum healing response.

Allergy Escape
Buy Detox Escort 

Homeopathy for Allergy Relief

Allergy symptoms area often difficult to control and can substantially impact our quality of life. Conventional medications can cause side effects and dependencies, and more and more people today are looking for natural, safe solutions with the potential to even decrease hypersensitivities over time.

Homeopathy is a holistic healing system and one of the best available — especially for seasonal and environmental allergies. Remedies are chosen and prepared to help ignite the body’s own healing mechanisms. Small doses, 2 squirts of Allergy Escape 3 times a day or more often if needed, help shore up the body’s resistance to allergens, let you breathe more easily, reduce pain and discomfort, and put you back in control over your quality of life and sleep.

Allergy Escape is lactose-free, naturally gluten-free, and vegan. It is made with the finest natural ingredients available and safe for adults and children 2 years of age and up. Use 1 squirt per dose for ages 2 to 12.

Allergy Defense Kit – A Comprehensive Holistic Solution

We have bundled Allergy Escape with our homeopathic detox formula Detox Escort and full-spectrum Elderberry Liquid Extract to offer you a comprehensive natural Allergy Defense Kit.

Cleansing your liver and helping your body eliminate toxins and waste helps reduce hypersensitivities. Using Elderberry Liquid Extract to support your immunity system is an excellent daily practice to prepare for the change of season. The three holistic formulas will help

  • tone your liver,
  • support your lymphatic system,
  • balance your immune system,
  • hydrate and clear your sinuses and overall mucous membranes,
  • reduce inflammation, and
  • relieve allergic reactions, including
    • sneezing,
    • runny nose,
    • congestion,
    • headaches,
    • sinus pressure,
    • scratchy eyes,
    • itchy, swollen skin, and more.
homeopathic allergy defense kit
Allergy Defense Kit
homeopathic oral allergy spray Allergy Escape & immunity booster Thymuline

Use Allergy Escape 3 times a day or as needed when symptoms appear. Take Elderberry Liquid Extract once a day for immune system support with water or your favorite juice. Use Detox Escort in the morning and evening before or during allergy season for three to six weeks two times per year or as needed.

Give your body the chance and comfort to build up its own holistic defense and recovery mechanisms against seasonal allergies.

Questions and Answers about Allergy Escape

Q: What makes the Allergy Escape spray different from traditional western allergy medicines one can buy at any pharmacy?

A: Allergy Escape is a safe and effective natural healing solution. Conventional allergy medications can have side effects. Some make people drowsy. The main side effects of conventional prescription and OTC medicines include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Restlessness or moodiness (in some children)
  • Trouble peeing or not being able to pee
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion

Q: Can this remedy be taken in addition to the typical western allergy medicine?

A: Yes, it can. Homeopathic remedies and conventional medicines can be taken at the same time. This provides a beautiful way to introduce many allergy sufferers to homeopathy and helps them become fans of this natural way of dealing with allergies and other ailments.


Please note: Product descriptions grounded in homeopathic practice. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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