Homeopathy and Cell Salts for Acne, Eczema, Hives, and Other Common Skin Conditions

By Anna | Natural Health Advocate   •   3 minute read

From the Inside Out: Healthy Skin with Natural Remedies

The skin is our largest organ. It protects us from the outside world, and it is a mirror of our physical and emotional well-being. As an important excretory organ, the skin often reveals internal imbalances and poor waste-elimination processes in form of impurities and blemishes. Find out about natural remedies and natural mineral support for all ages that help re-balance body functions and, from the inside out, improve the look of our skin, confidence, and overall health.

Homeopathic Medicine for Acne and Eczema

homeopathic remedy for acne
Skin Klear Acne Relief
Buy Skin Klear Acne Relief
homeopathic remedy for eczema
Eczema Relief
Buy Eczema Relief

Skin Klear Acne Relief combines 9 herbal and mineral ingredients that work to remove old skin cells, reduce pore blockages, and decrease oily matter. Use this homeopathic acne treatment to relieve blackheads, whiteheads, and red papules and improve the tone of your skin.

Eczema Relief homeopathy for eczema provides natural relief from itching, burning, redness, swelling, and scaly skin and scalp caused by eczema and psoriasis. It also helps reduce cracks and fissures that tend to appear on the hands, fingers, toes, ears, and knees.

I started taking the Eczema Relief pellets on a regular basis three times
a day, and it became a habit. I hardly noticed that my eczema was basically gone
by the time my appointment came with my dermatologist.”
-Jennifer L.

Cell Salts for Skin Problems

 lactose free cell salts Calc Sulph

Calcarea Sulphurica
Buy Calcarea Sulphurica

 lactose free cell salt Kali Sulph

Kali Sulphuricum
Buy Kali Sulphuricum

 lactose free cell salt Kali Mur

Kali Muriaticum
Buy Kali Muriaticum

Silica or Silicea
Buy Silicea

Cell Salts are natural mineral preparations first discovered and researched by German Dr. Schuessler in 1873 and, to this day, unceasingly gaining praise and attention from the natural health community. Four of these 12 key minerals are indispensable for the health of our skin.

Blood purifier Calcium Sulfate (or Calcarea Sulphurica) is a homeopathic acne treatment and alleviates pimples and boils. It is highly recommended for teenage acne. Cell lubricant Potassium Sulfate (or Kali Sulphuricum) relieves eczema, hives, and dandruff and facilities the oxygen exchange between cells and blood, helping the skin breathe. Potassium Chloride (or Kali Muriaticum) is often added to assist in the clearing up of conditions that cause discharges. Silica or Silicea is a well known cleanser, pushing out nonfunctional organic matter, and skin healer.

Here is how to take the cell salts: HomeopathyStore offers cell salts for skin problems in form of lactose-free, kosher liquid sprays. Take 2 to 3 squirts of the cell salt that best corresponds with your skin condition. Or combine all 4 salts for the improvement of any skin weakness. You may also consider taking Calc Sulph, Kali Mur, and Silica for acne and Kali Sulph, Kali Mur, and Silica for eczema, hives, or psoriasis.

When combining cell salts, start by taking 2 squirts of each cell salt 3 times a day at least 5 days a week. Reduce the frequency when your skin improves. Take the remedies in a mouth free of food so the remedies can be well absorbed. Keep liquid in your mouth a few seconds before swallowing. Cell salts for skin problems can also be easily squirted in a glass of filtered water. You can put the daily dose of all cell salts in your water bottle and sip along all the day. 

Choosing your cell salts and taking them in concert with the corresponding homeopathic remedy can bring optimal results. 

Detox and Drainage Formula

homeopathic detox remedy
Detox Escort
Buy Detox Escort

Detox Escort is our whole body cleansing formula that helps the body get rid of unwanted organic matter which has become non-functional. It stimulates all excretory organs, resets and invigorates many body functions, and is a homeopathic medicine for acne that can greatly improve the look and feel of your skin. Often, only one week of using Detox Escort in the morning and evening will produce visible results, but three to six weeks are recommended. It can precede or be integrated with the remedies above.

Foods that Promote Healthy Skin

Also check out these 10 superfoods and consider adding them to your daily diet for healthier-looking skin.

  • Blueberries – high in antioxidants
  • Salmon – high in fatty acids
  • Spinach – high in nutrients and minerals
  • Oysters – high in zinc
  • Tomatoes – high in lycopene
  • Walnuts – high in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Kiwis – high in antioxidants and vitamin C
  • Dark Chocolate – high in antioxidants



Please note: Product descriptions grounded in homeopathic practice. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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