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Don't Miss Our Spring Cell Salts Sale
Take a look at the following 8 Schuessler cell salts. They are especially good to have around as the temperatures get warmer and you want to crank up your metabolism, increase your energy, and need mineral support for fitness and weight loss programs.
- Kali Mur #5, Nat Mur #9, Nat Phos #10, and Nat Sulph #11 activate and heal your digestive system and stimulate your metabolism.
- Calc Phos #2, Kali Phos #6, and Mag Phos #8 boost your energy, focus, and performance.
- Ferr Phos #4, Kali Phos #6, and Nat Mur #9 - before, during, and after athletic activities - help avoid strain and recover quickly from sore muscles and joints.
Read more about these cell salts treatments.