Schuessler Tissue Salts Primer Continued - The Kali or Potassium Cell Salts

By Anna | Natural Health Advocate   •   3 minute read

The 3 Kali Cell Salts and Their Effect on Mucous Membranes, Skin, Nerves, and Emotions

Natural Homeopathic Kali Cell SaltsIn this month’s newsletter, find details about Dr. Schuessler’s Kali or potassium cell salts. Every home prescriber’s best friends, they treat many children’s ailments including measles and chickenpox and boast one of nature's best known stress remedies. An important mineral and electrolyte, potassium is crucial to every organ in the body. Easily absorbed in form of our lactose-free liquid sprays, cell salts support optimal mineral and vitamin intake via our daily food and are natural, gentle, and safe.

Kali Muriaticum

With his discovery of the 12 vital mineral salts found in every cell of our body, Dr. Schuessler added Kali Muriaticum (Cell Salt # 5) to the homeopathic pharmacopoeia. Kali Mur relieves colds, coughs, and sinus infections with white discharges and is ideal in the early stages of inflammatory conditions. It is often recommended in combination with other cell salts for maximum results. Kali Mur and Calc Sulph together relieve colds and coughs before they can develop further. With Ferr Phos, Kali Mur helps heal many children’s ailments, and the two salts represent a commended natural treatment for tonsillitis, bronchitis, measles, and chickenpox. Combined with Nat Mur, Kali Mur helps break down food and ease digestive problems. In addition, don’t forget Kali Mur as a great first aid remedy for burns!

Kali Muriaticum
Buy Kali Muriaticum 
Kali Phosphoricum
Buy Kali Phosphoricum 

Kali Sulphuricum
Buy Kali Sulphuricum

Kali Phosphoricum

Kali Phos (Cell Salt # 6) is a nerve nutrient and time-tested stress remedy. It relieves sleeplessness, irritability, mental exhaustion, poor memory, depression, and nerve related aches and pains. Kali Phos is excellent for school children and students in exam situations and is called the “pick me up” remedy because it helps put us in a good mood and provide a happy outlook. Deeply acting, this tissue salt treats skin ailments, such as shingles, and nervous asthma addressing the underlying nervous condition.

Kali Sulphuricum

Kali Sulph (Cell Salt # 7) is the lubricant cell salt balancing the body’s oils. Recommended at the progressed stage of inflammatory conditions, it relieves coughs and colds with yellow mucus, acne, ear infections, and stomach pain. Kali Sulph treats eczema and dandruff and helps maintain healthy hair.

 Liquid lactose-free Schuessler Cell and Tissue Salts

Schuessler Cell Salts
Buy Schuessler Cell Salts

 lactose free Cell Salts Kit by Anna's Remedies

Cell Salt Kit
Buy Cell Salt Kit 

Potassium-Rich Foods & Recipe:

The Kali salts assist in better absorbing potassium from the foods we eat. Many fruits and vegetables – such as bananas, citrus fruits, avocados, tomatoes, and potatoes – contain potassium, and so do fish, chicken, other meats, dairy products, and  lima beans. Check out this to die for Mushroom and Lima Bean Stew on Holy Cow! Vegan Recipes.

New Remedies this Month

Tinnitus Relief for the relief of ringing in ears, Meniere's disease, and vertigo.
Hair-X Hair Loss Relief pellets help relieve androgenetic alopecia or AGA in men and women.
EZ-Quit Smoking pellets and EZ-Quit Smoking Control Spray relieve cravings for cigarettes and tobacco.

Read Further

Cell Salts Primer:  The Calcium Salts  – All about the 3 Calcium Cell Salts

Cell Salts 101 & Cell Salts Kit – Crash Course in Schuessler Cell Salts

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