The Best Time to Detox is Now

By Anna | Natural Health Advocate   •   3 minute read

Prepare Now for Spring with a Homeopathic Detox, Cell Salts, Healthy Foods & Habits

Late winter is a great time to embark on a program of detoxifying and revitalization. A detox is like a clean slate, it rids the body of waste and toxins after indulging in holiday foods and cutting back on exercising. It increases energy levels, provides the boost needed to carry out new year’s resolutions, and sets the stage for more outdoor activities and warmer temperatures. Combine it with the finest in mineral support from our liquid and lactose-free Schuessler Cell Salts and check out our list of top 10 healthy habits while detoxing!

Detox Escort - Homeopathic Drainage Formula

Detox Escort is a combination of natural homeopathic ingredients which best stimulate and cleanse the major waste-removing organs - liver, colon and small intestine, lymphatic system, kidneys, skin, lungs, and more. Thorough yet gentle, it helps eliminate disease causing microorganisms, reduce hypersensitivities, lose weight, and stimulate primary body systems and functions. Take 15 drops, ideally for six weeks, in the morning and evening. A must for allergy sufferers to prepare for spring!

homeopathic detoxification
Detox Escort
Buy Detox Escort

Cell Salts to Improve Nutrient Absorption

The 12 Cell Salts are ideal to add to any detox program. Prepared as liquid sprays, they are easily digestible and do not cause excess intake but regulate the intake of both minerals and vitamins from your food.

The 3 Calcium Salts support the growth and maintenance of the structural systems of the body - bones, skin, muscles, mucous membranes, and veins. The 3 Kali/Potassium Salts attend to the nerves and connect body and emotions. The 3 Sodium Salts regulate overall hydration and the acidic and alkaline levels of bodily fluids. Ferrum Phos controls inflammation, Magnesium Phos nourishes muscles and nerves, and Silica supports the health of skin, hair, and nails.

If you are still becoming familiar with the cell salts, Cellergy which is a combination of all 12 minerals, may be the best way of incorporating the cell salts into a full body detox. If you are looking for the key cell salt you can't do without, choose Calcarea Phosphorica which is a time-tested natural restorative and can be used to complement any immunity-boosting regimen.

Buy Cellergy combination of all 12 tissue salts
lactose free cell salt Calc Phos
Calcarea Phosphorica
Buy Calcarea Phosphorica
lactose free liquid cell salts kit

Healthy Foods & Habits While You Detox

  1. Drink at least half a gallon of water or non-stimulating tea every day. Consider adding several sprays of Cellergy.
  2. Include fiber in your diet. Some healthy fiber-rich foods are flaxseed, bran, berries, whole grains (quinoa, amaranth, millet), lentils, chickpeas, and deep green, leafy vegetables. 
  3. Snack on fruits and raw vegetables.
  4. Add one or two powerful antioxidant-rich foods to your meals such as garlic, kale, nuts, and wild blueberries.
  5. Eat a small meal for dinner, preferably by 7:00 pm or as early as possible.
  6. Eliminate or, at the least, minimize consumption of the following substances: alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, processed sugar, artificial preservatives.
  7. Exercise for 20 or 30 minutes a day with a home yoga practice, a vigorous walk, or a visit to the gym.
  8. Detoxing is tiring for the whole body. Get extra rest by going to bed a little bit earlier than usual or by taking a power nap.
  9. De-stress once a week by taking a bath, getting a massage, listening to music, or any other activity which relaxes and recharges your center.
  10. Oxygenate your body by performing a breathing exercise once a day, either as part of your exercise routine, before a de-stressing exercise, or before bed. 

Please note: Product descriptions have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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