Homeopathic Remedies Help Rev Calorie Burn and Suppress Appetite
Are your clothes feeling a little too snug, or has your doctor recommended a weight loss plan to strengthen your health? Read about the best foods for weight loss, easy ways to get more exercise this Spring, and how homeopathic remedies help you get the body you want faster than you thought possible.
Benefits of Weight Control
Putting on more weight than is ideal for our height does not only make us look and feel unhappy, it may lead to serious health risks including digestive problems, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and more. Weight loss and weight control are a must for one third of adults in the U.S. today caused by sedentary lifestyles, refined foods, and too much stress. So let's get started with a healthy weight program! Here is how to get ready for this Spring and Summer and make your weight loss program easy, fun, and a success — all naturally.
Best Foods for Weight Loss
Embrace the no-diet approach! Eat healthy, nutritious foods, practice portion control, and avoid eating after dinner. The following foods help you burn more calories and make you feel full faster: oats, apples, blueberries, goji berries, pomegranates, plain yogurt, kale, lentils, organic meats and eggs, wild salmon, sardines, buckwheat pasta, quinoa, avocados, parmesan, tarragon, chiles, and olive oil. Like us and watch out for recipes at www.facebook.com/homeopathystore this Spring!
Weight Loss Exercise — How Much Do I Need?
Slowly but surely adopt a more active lifestyle. Per week, practice at least two hours of moderate physical activity, such as walking, cleaning, gardening, and start a 75-minute higher impact, cardiovascular exercise routine. Weight control is not about restrictive diets and stringent exercise. It's about learning to make good choices more often than bad choices.
Natural Homeopathic EZ-Slim
Strengthen your weight loss program with homeopathic EZ-Slim, a natural formula prepared to support your metabolism, curb appetite, improve your energy, and flush excess fluids from your body. EZ-Slim also supports the functions of your liver and thyroid gland necessary for a healthy digestive system and gives you the confidence to succeed with your weight loss program. Preceded or combined with Detox Escort, our homeopathic cleansing and drainage formula, you will improve how your body feels and how you feel about your body.