Late Summer Remedies

By Anna | Natural Health Advocate   •   1 minute read

Homeopahic remedies for the Summer

For Travel, Outdoor, and Back-to-School Activities

Late summer means gorgeous weather for hiking and traveling and road trips back to school. This is also the time of the year when temperatures change, and – according to Chinese medicine – the shift of energy occurs from yang to yin. It is an excellent time to hydrate the body, support muscles and joints, nourish the skin, and watch out for a healthy stomach.

Arnica Montana heals sore muscles, sprains, and bruises. The most popular homeopathic remedy in the world also relieves jet lag and altitude sickness. 

Cellergy  compare to Hyland's Bioplasma – smart combination of all of Dr. Schuessler's 12 most vital minerals, establishes and maintains mineral balance and makes a fantastic electrolyte drink.

Constipation Relief establishes a healthy water balance in the intestinal tract, regulates bowel movements, and relieves abdominal pain.

Thymuline provides immune support and fights viral and bacterial agents during the change of seasons, while traveling, and during periods of stress.

Calendula Officinals mends cuts, grazes, wounds, blisters, and sunburns and promotes the growth of new skin. 

Our August Millet and Black Bean Recipe is high in proteins and fiber, gluten-free, and a perfect meal for late summer days to get the heat out of the stomach, nourish, and prepare for cooler days to come.

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