Homeopathic Remedies

By Anna | Natural Health Advocate   •   4 minute read

How Do You Take Homeopathic Remedies? What Do They Look and Taste Like?

Get to know long-established as well as new forms of natural homeopathic remedies. Find out how they taste, why children love them, the best way to take them, and why their small doses offer such great relief for young and old.

The Presentation of Homeopathic Remedies

Natural Homeopathic RemediesNatural homeopathic remedies are available in a variety of forms such as pellets, tablets, drops, sprays, and ointments. specializes in pellets (also called globules) and liquid sprays—highly effective, easy, and well-tasting ways of administering a remedy.
Homeopathic pellets are a long-established form of homeopathic medicine. They are made of a sucrose and lactose base (sugar found in plants and milk) or organic corn starch, look like small white beads, and have a mild, sweet taste. Many of our pellets come in a tube dispenser that has been especially created to preserve their purity and minimize the need for touching them with your fingers. Turn tube upside down, twist the cap to brake the seal, or peel off the small portion of the label along the perforated line. Hold the tube vertically and keep twisting the cap to release the desired number of pellets. Let the pellets drop directly from the cap into your mouth and make sure they dissolve completely in your mouth.
Our homeopathic liquid dilutions presented in form of convenient oral sprays are prepared in a mixture of purified water and alcohol and sometimes the finest vegetable palm oil glycerin. Alcohol and glycerin keep
the remedies fresh and allow for quick absorption by the body. It is good to know that a glass of apple juice contains more alcohol than a dose of a liquid homeopathic remedy. Squirt sprays directly into your mouth or into a small amount of water (no more than one or two tablespoons) in a small cup or glass. Allow the liquid to remain in your mouth or swish it around in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. Due to the grainy taste of alcohol, it is recommended to mix the liquid with a tablespoon of filtered water for small children. Mouth sprays are a new, very popular form of administering a homeopathic remedy.

When to Take Your Remedies: The 5 to10-Minute Rule & Take Them When You Need Them

For optimal absorption, all homeopathic remedies should be taken away from food and drinks (water excepted) and strong flavors in your mouth, such as residues from strong mouth wash or chewing gum. It is recommended to take them about 5-10 minutes before or after a meal or right between meals.
Homeopathic remedies are based on the principle of the "minimum dose". That means Homeopathy allows only a portion of the active ingredient that is just enough to initiate the body's own healing propensities. This is what makes homeopathic remedies an effective and gentle healthcare solution for the whole family including babies and the elderly. When taken at the onset of symptoms, homeopathic remedies are often successful at prodding your body's own defenses very quickly and can stop the illness in its tracks. So, when you feel that first sign of weakness or when a symptom is regularly appearing before a stressful meeting or when you step on a plane, make sure to have your remedies ready.

Dose and Frequency for Infants, Children, and Adults

Homeopathic remedies are natural way to heal your familyOur pellets are prepared for a minimum dose of 3 pellets for children (2 to 12 years) and a dose of 5 pellets for adults. For infants (children under 2), 2 pellets should be administered and are best dissolved in water and given in the baby bottle or with an oral syringe. For children under two, always consult with your doctor about the remedies your child is taking.
When administering a mouth spray, the recommended dose for adults is 2 to 3 squirts underneath the tongue. Children (2 to 12 years) use half of the adult dose or 1 to 2 squirts. When several different homeopathic remedies are taken at the same time, let one hour pass between the taking of the two remedies.
It is generally recommended to take a remedy 2 to 3 times per day. This is an important guideline for long-term conditions. For acute conditions, it is essential to take the remedy when you need it. The following 3 rules apply:
  • Take the remedy as frequently as needed and as rarely as possible.
  • The more acute and serious the condition, the more often the remedy should be taken.
  • When a significant improvement in condition occurs, it is time to stop taking the remedy.

You and Homeopathy

We are proud to offer a natural, body-friendly, and eco-friendly healthcare solution for the entire family. All remedies are non-drowsy and cause no harmful side effects. They are made from the cleanest and freshest natural substances in a process that is sustainable, non-polluting, and humane. In addition, homeopathic remedies increase your overall health one pellet, one drop, or one spray at a time.
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