5 Must-Have Natural Cold & Flu Remedies

By Anna | Natural Health Advocate   •   4 minute read

Must-Have Natural Cold & Flu Remedies

Early fall is a great time to stock up on essential natural remedies that help shore up your internal defenses, make you stronger all winter long, and can offer gentle, invigorating relief. See 5 must-have remedies for your natural cold & flu medicine cabinet below!

Influenzinum – Flu Season Preparation

Influenzinum 9C is the homeopathic remedy prepared every year with the new influenza vaccine strains predicted by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is a popular natural flu protection solution when you do not wish to be vaccinated with conventional needles. Plus, Influenzinum can help deal with vaccine side effects and prolong and deepen the vaccine's action if you did opt or are planning to opt for the flu shot. Take four to five squirts of Influenzinum 9C once or twice a week.

We offer this year's flu season remedy prepared with the energetic signature of Influenzinum without toxins or animal ingredients. Infl 9C is made in our gluten-free facility that has been making chemical-free energy remedies since 1988.

"Love this product and recommend it to everyone I meet! We have been using it for 3 years now and have my parents using it too. Has done its job, and will continue to order it every year."


Infl 9C
Buy Influenzinum

Thymuline – Natural Immune Booster & Balancer

The thymus is a gland behind your breastbone and a key organ of the immune system. It protects your body against intruders. The remedy Thymuline supports the action of the Thymus by naturally working to strengthen your immunity. Thymuline is often recommended during cold, flu, and allergy season. Together with Influenzinum, take four to five squirts of Thymuline 9C once or twice a week. Influenzinum 9C and Thymuline 9C form the French natural flu protection protocol and are praised by natural and complementary health practitioners.

Like Infl, Thym is prepared as an energy remedy. The natural formulas are sold separately or together as Infl & Thym Combo.

"My husband and I took Thym along with Infl all winter. We never got a sniffle. These 2 products are a must-have for autumn, winter, and early spring."

Thym 9C
Buy Thymuline

Infl & Thym Combo
Buy Influenzinum & Thymuline

Cold Armor – Homeopathic Cold Medicine

Cold Armor is a vegan combination of 8 powerful homeopathic ingredients known to relieve runny or stuffy nose, coughs, fever, chills, nausea, and fatigue. If taken at the onset of symptoms, Cold Armor may help you avoid more severe symptoms altogether. Also consider taking this remedy before visiting crowded spaces, schools, and hospitals, or before boarding an airplane. Cold Armor is vegan and sugar-free and for all ages.

"This is a great product! Every time someone at work seems to be coming down with something I run for my purse to spray my Cold Armor, Lol. No, really it works. Don’t want to be without it."

homeopathic cold medicine Cold Armor
Cold Armor
Buy Cold Armor

Elderberry Liquid Extract – Herbal Immune System Support

Elderberry shrubs date back to 10,000 B.C., and the health benefits of their fruits have already been revered by many early and traditional civilizations. Elderberries contain antioxidants which means that they help protect healthy cells, support the immune system, and fight infection. This is why taking a high-quality elderberry extract daily is a must during cold and flu season. HomeopathyStore's Liquid Elderberry Extract contains 500 mg of organic elderberry fruit in every milliliter and is sourced from responsible growers. 

"I recently used the Elderberry drops and besides being super tasty, they work."
-MkP from NJ

Elderberry Liquid Extract
Buy Elderberry Liquid Extract

Virus Defense – Homeopathic Flu & Virus Medicine

Launched by our team of homeopathic and natural health experts to provide holistic support during the pandemic and beyond, Virus Defense helps fight symptoms caused by rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, flu viruses, parainfluenza viruses, and other cold and respiratory viruses. It contains homeopathic polychrest remedies such as Bryonia, Arsenicum, and Eupatorium used for centuries to soothe fever, chills, rash, aches, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, and more.

Virus Defense is recommended once a day for flu protection and immune system support and three to six times a day when acute symptoms occur. As your health improves, begin reducing the frequency of the remedy and return to one dose per day.

"I've been taking Virus Defense since it was created nearly two years agoI have not been sick at all since thenit's definitely a valued part of my daily routine."
-James Meyer

Virus Defense
Buy Virus Defense

Read more about Natural and Homeopathic Cold & Flu Relief

Cell Salts for Colds & Flu with Handy Chart
4 Ways To Naturally Boost Your Child's Immune System


Please note: Product descriptions grounded in natural wellness and traditional homeopathic practice. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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