Natural Homeopathic & Herbal Antiviral and Immune System Support Remedies

Natural Homeopathic & Herbal Antiviral and Immune System Support Remedies

Using Homeopathic & Herbal Remedies and a Healthy Lifestyle to Strengthen Your Health for the Flu Season

Now — more than ever — the global health crisis is shedding a light on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a well-functioning immune system.

Doing what we can to level up our health by eating clean and nutritious foods, being active, correcting deficiencies, and having the best natural remedies on hand is especially important as we approach the end of summer and the beginning of flu season.

Staying Strong and Healthy with Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old wellness system that encourages the body's innate self-healing and regulating mechanisms.

Remedies do not suppress pain or a condition, they inherently work with the body to correct imbalances, improve organ functions, fight pathogens, and help the body absorb more minerals and vitamins from the food we eat.

The immune system is a web of interconnected cells, antibodies, and organs that all work together to protect the body. 

There isn’t one simple solution when it comes to improving your immune system, but choosing to live a healthy lifestyle and adding homeopathic remedies to your wellness plan can help you give your body what it needs to best fight disease, keep your immune system strong, and allow it to do its job. 

In these challenging times of a global health emergency, homeopathy offers:

  • Solutions for increasing your overall health by cleansing the body and restoring optimal body systems, functions, and organs
  • Mineral support for balanced electrolyte and pH levels
  • Immune system support and regulation
  • Remedies that can help you strengthen your body against infections — including excellent antiviral remedies that can be taken as a precautionary measure and for acute relief

Cleansing and Restoring the Body with a Homeopathic Detox 

There are many ways to detox in order to better your health. Homeopathy offers one of the most unique approaches to refresh and restore your body and find increased strength.

A homeopathic detox invigorates the body's core waste-elimination organs, including liver, colon, lungs, kidneys, and more. This cleansing process relieves other body systems and organs and acts deeply to improve overall health.

A homeopathic detox is specifically recommended after a bout of poor diet, a period of taking medications or a course of antibiotics, a streak of stress and overwork, consuming too much coffee or alcohol, exposure to pollutants, or as a regular practice as we age.

It also provides excellent support for a weight loss program or recurring weight control routines. Detox Escort is a convenient oral spray  recommended at least 2 times a year for up to 6 weeks.

Take 4 sprays in the morning and 4 sprays in the evening in a clean mouth for best absorption and combine it with approximately two liters of water each day, a health diet, and enough rest.

Detox Escort
Detox Escort, homeopathic detox and cleanse by Anna's Remedies

Balancing Electrolyte and pH Levels with the 12 Cell Salts

The cell salts form the biochemic therapy of German Dr. Schuessler who 150 years ago discovered 12 mineral compounds essential to cell health and regeneration.

Prepared homeopathically in form of microdoses, the cells salts help correct mineral imbalances and increase the body’s ability to absorb minerals, vitamins, and nutrients from our food.

They help with your body's fluid and electrolyte balance and regulate its acid/base (pH) level. They are recommended for the entire family and ideal for daily support as often and as long as needed.

Cellergy is HomeopathyStore’s liquid, lactose-free, and fast-absorbing mineral combination of all 12 cell salts in one convenient oral spray. Take 2 sprays two to three times a day.

Feel free to pause for a few days and sometimes for a week to let the body try to ramp up strength on its own. Then return to taking Cellergy again.

Cellergy - Liquid 12 Cell Salts Combination
liquid, lactose free mineral oral spray with 12 cell salts

Supporting and Regulating the Immune System with Elderberry Liquid Extract

Elderberry is one of the most effective herbs to support your health during seasonal changes as well as year-round. Studies show that it can help shorten the discomforts of respiratory conditions and body aches.

The herb helps deactivate viruses by neutralizing the action of hemagglutinin (HA), a glycoprotein that allows viruses to bind to the cell surface.

Elderberry Liquid Extract can be taken several times a day. It is also advisable for use once a day on a long-term basis to increase strength and help rebuild a healthy immune response. 

Elderberry Liquid Extract
Thymuline spray by Anna's Remedies

Praised Natural Homeopathic Antiviral Remedies

Homeopathy has established an impressive track record providing support during health emergencies, including epidemics and virus surges — specifically during the 1918 flu pandemic.

Top natural homeopathic antiviral remedies include Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba, Gelsemium sempervirens, and Eupatorium perfoliatum.

Appearing in nature and prepared in certified homeopathic pharmacies in form of remedies that are known for their high safety record, homeopathic formulas help relieve and can be taken as a precautionary measure for viral infections causing respiratory inflammation, bronchitis, nausea, body aches, rashes, and more.

Virus Defense by Anna’s Remedies was formulated by our homeopaths, naturopaths, and homeopathic pharmacists for the current health crisis building on homeopathy’s experience with past pandemics. It includes the best known homeopathic antivirals.

Take 2 sprays 4 to 6 times per week as a precautionary measure and 3 times a day if symptoms occur. Decrease the frequency as improvement sets in.

Virus Defense
homeopathic remedy Virus Defense for viral infections

Homeopathic remedies are safe to take with other medicines. Always speak to your doctor about the best health plan for you and your family. If symptoms persist or worsen, visit a healthcare professional right away.

5 Most Important Habits to Avoid a Virus Infection

Health experts recommend the following habits to avoid being exposed to a virus:*

  1. Stay 6-feet apart from other people outside your house.
  2. Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds with water and soap or use a hand sanitizer with 60% or more alcohol content.
  3. Cover your face with your elbow or a clean cloth when coughing or sneezing.
  4. Do not touch your face (eyes, nose, mouth) with unwashed hands.
  5. Daily disinfect surfaces you touch often.

Reference: Mayo Clinic website

homeopathic remedies for immune system health

Please note: Product descriptions grounded in traditional homeopathic practice. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Anna | Natural Health Advocate
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