Why We Need to Detox and Cleanse Our Body
Poor eating habits, physical and emotional overexertion, and environmental pollutants can exhaust our body's innate detoxification system. A homeopathic detox formula together with healthy foods, regular exercise, and an emphasis on relaxation offers an agreeable way to shed toxins and waste and enjoy a reboot. It not only cleanses but also strengthens our body’s core systems and is a great self-healing tool recommended from two to four times a year.
What are Toxins?
A toxin is any substance that can create irritating or harmful effects in the body. We differentiate between external and internal toxins. External toxins, such as poisons occurring in nature as well as man-made chemicals and synthetics, find their way into our water and air and ultimately into our bodies. Internal toxins, including intestinal bacteria, yeasts, and parasites, produce metabolic waste products that must be handled efficiently — a process becoming more difficult as we age and as the total load of toxins in our environment increases. In addition, an unvaried diet, physical and mental stress, and the consumption of stimulants and drugs may contribute to deposits of waste causing irritation, inflammation, and the blocking of normal cell, organ, and overall body functions.
Signs of Toxicity
When our body gets overloaded with irritating substances, it loses its balance and develops diseases. First signs may include fatigue, sinus problems, recurring headaches, skin problems, difficulty concentrating, weight gain, and menstrual disorders among others.
However, it is possible and invigorating to identify and eliminate harmful substances and habits, avoid life-hampering conditions, and find our way back to a healthy lifestyle. A 3 to 6-week natural detoxification or cleansing program is especially beneficial for couples preparing for pregnancy and all adults 35 years of age and above.
The spring is a particularly ideal season to start a detox routine and embrace new beginnings. Are you ready to shake toxins and take back your life?
Homeopathic Detox Formula: Detox Escort
Natural homeopathic Detox Escort is an excellent companion during your weeks of cleansing. Six weeks are optimal, but not always necessary. A 3-week detox is an excellent start!
Detox Escort's homeopathic ingredients stimulate your body's elimination centers, also called emunctory organs which are organs that remove waste from the body: liver, intestines (large intestine or colon and small intestine), kidneys, lungs, skin, sinuses, and more. They help these organs perform better and transport waste and stored toxins out of the body. Squirt 4 sprays of Detox Escort directly underneath your tongue in the morning and evening. Take them in a mouth without food, and old liquid in your mouth a few seconds before swallowing for quick absorption.
Detox Escort supports your
- liver in filtering waste and neutralizing toxic substances,
- intestines, large intestine/colon and small intestine, to transport waste out of the body and avoid the re-circulation of toxins into the organism also called auto-intoxication,
- kidneys to filter the blood and remove waste as urine,
- skin in disposing of toxins via sweat and sebum,
- lungs in supplying your body cells with fresh oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide waste,
- sinuses and mucous membranes to improve their filtering and moisturizing function.
Detox Escort |
Detox Escort Duo |
10 Steps to Help Eliminate Waste, Toxins, and Bad Habits
This spring, let's get your healthy life back with Detox Escort and the following 10 steps:
- Slow down for 6 weeks this spring.
- Practice a fun, 30-minute exercise routine 5 days per week, preferably outdoors.
- Drink at least half a gallon of clean, filtered water every day.
- Keep your bowels moving with a tee- to tablespoon of ground flax seed in your morning cereal.
- Eat fresh, if possible, organic food including lots of fruits and green vegetables.
- Add some garlic, too.
- Eat your favorite healthy foods, and finish your biggest meal before 6:00 pm.
- Eliminate stress, and make a point of seeing your friends more often.
- Avoid or limit your consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco.
- Sleep a lot.
Recipes, Exercises, and More Detox Tips
Cooking from scratch and shopping for healthy ingredients is an excellent habit to pick up during your detox. So are a few morning and evening exercises. Below find links to healthy recipes as well yoga and other workout routines that will spur your imagination for more.
And one more tip: As often as your schedule permits, add a 20-minute afternoon nap to your cleansing program. Naps relax, improve mood and alertness and performance.
Stuffed Bell Peppers with Millet and Vegetables
Apple and Pomegranate Salad with Tahini Dressing
Simple Exercises to Detox the Body
4 Yoga Poses to Detox the Body
Please note: Product descriptions grounded in traditional homeopathic practice. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.